For anyone interested... I've been waiting for this hearing since Aug 30, 2021... House Foreign Affairs Committee has a hearing on trash withdrawal from Afghanistan today at 9am CST. I listed the direct link to their YouTube stream on their channel.
I've watching 100s of hearings... be prepared for this to be a very partisan one. I anticipate Democrats blaming Trump & claiming Biden just "fulfilled what Trump started". Which if you know anything about the Doha Agreement that was negotiated under Trump - you'll know that's false. In fact the State Department still has the Doha Agreement - a whole 4 pages - still online. I have the link if you'd like it. I've also printed it.
Francis Q. Hoang
Executive Chairman
Allied Airlift 21
Lt. Col. (Ret.) David Scott Mann
Task Force Pineapple
Aidan Gunderson
Specialist, U.S. Army
(End of Active Service July 2022)
Peter Lucier
Team America Relief
Camille Mackler, Esq.
Executive Director
Immigrant ARC