1st off...
Indictment was released EARLIER TODAY on the CLERK COUNTY WEBSITE... BEFORE Grand Jury had even SEEN IT. So they obviously rushed them in tonight to vote - imagine THAT headline tomorrow WITHOUT the Grand Jury have voted 😏
Prosecutor's response to the inquiry abt early release:
1. She doesn't understand how the clerks office works 🤔
2. The early release document was "Fictitious" 🧐
Yet it was identical as indictment minus a page or two of identifiers.
This is a more interesting Indictment to me than the others because it is SO out there that it is actually amusing.
A RICO charge? Really? 😆
NOTE: This is purely a tactic being used in an attempt to get the others indicted to "flip" bc RICO penalties are pretty ouchie. RICO was primarily created to go after the mob.
These pple, especially GA case, are throwing a plate of spaghetti indictments at a wall & hoping one sticks.
It's obvious at this pt that when Hunter & Biden are in the news, an Indictment comes down. Which is making this process look more & more political, illegitimate & IS election interference.
Forcing a defendant who is not only running for President but also the front runner of a party, to sit in a court case for weeks DURING the primaries... especially SEVERAL court cases... is the definition of election interference. These retards had 2 CLEAR yrs to indict this dude & you WAIT until he declares & election season? PLEASE... 🙄
All of this is untested waters, quite a few charges within these 4 indictments are untested legal theory - NO PRECEDENT - that alone shows a REACH & attempt to get these tried in "unfriendly" venues towards the defendant... what a JOKE.